Resources for Engineers
Engineers play a critical role in planning stormwater best management practices and ensuring they perform the functions they were designed for. Taking a proactive approach to stormwater management can result in long-term savings by reducing the need for costly remediation, clean up and repair. Green techniques such as rain gardens, permeable pavement, riparian buffers, and naturalized landscapes not only manage stormwater where it falls, they also help improve the livability of our communities. Besides being required by stormwater regs, that's a great marketing tool...
Today's Engineers think about stormwater from the earliest stages of development. Some say the site speaks to them:
While others emphasize the need to mimic the conditions that existed before any development starts:
Want to get up speed? Familiarization with the Site Design Procedure defined in the PA Stormwater BMP Manual is a good place to start. The next logical step is taking Our Interactive Tour: a multimedia journey through the development process that we created in partnership with the Brandywine Conservancy Environmental Management Center’s team of water and landscape specialists. They contributed to the DEP Manual and have continued to evolve its thinking ever since its release in 2006. Click here to order the Interactive Tour on CD, or Click the Start Demo icon to start it right here Online.
After that, hunt around, starting with the short list below or the video case studies we've highlighted off to the right. You'll find this site is loaded with helpful resources, so let us know what you find helpful, what we're missing--and what you're doing so we can share your success!
2010 Census Map: Urbanized Areas around Harrisburg, PA
Pennsylvania's Act 167 Base Map
Cedar Run Watershed Release Rate Map
Yellow Breeches Creek Lower Watershed Release Rate Map
Camp Hill Borough: Watersheds Map
Carlisle Borough: Watersheds Map
East Pennsboro Township: Watersheds Map
Hampden Township: Watersheds Map
Lemoyne Borough: Watersheds Map
Lower Allen Township: Watersheds Map
Mechanicsburg Borough: Watersheds Map
Monroe Township: Watersheds Map
New Cumberland Borough: Watersheds Map
Shiremanstown Borough: Watersheds Map
Silver Spring Township: Watersheds Map
Video Resources