Clean Your Water
We All Care About Clean Water...
& We All Play a Role in Keeping it Clean!
Polls consistently show that CLEAN WATER is amongst people's biggest concerns. Yet few actually recognize that the largest cause of water quality problems is nonpoint source pollution, which comes from various, polluting activities on the land. There's often a huge disconnect between what we say we care about and how we actually act.
It's no longer up for debate: it's an established fact that PREVENTING runoff from flooding our cities and towns, polluting our sources of drinking water, and threatening human health and the environment is far less costly than dealing with the aftermath of serious storms. We're starting to realize the same holds true for the smaller more frequent rain events that cause runoff--which is why there's such a major push across the nation to get stormwater under control.
Clean Your Water has been designed to provide the information and educational resources to help bridge this gap. It's the place where individuals, organizations, businesses, and local governments can come for answers. Clean Your Water is a space to share lessons learned and to offer up materials for others to use.
You're not alone in your desire to help others "get it", and there's no need to reinvent the wheel. Choose your pathway and look around. Use what you find. Share with us other informational sources that you've enjoyed. And keep up the great work of creating a more informed populace that's motivated to act.
Resources for Your Region
Would you like us to create a resource website for your community? We can pull together resources from our catalog and from our partners to create something relevant for your region.
Please email us or call us at 215-545-5880 to learn more.
Current Clean Your Water Regions:
Cumberland County
Wissahickon Valley
More regions coming soon!