Stormwater runoff causes flooding, erosion, water quality impairment, and the degradation of the stream habitats—all of which negatively impact the economic and environmental health of the waterways throughout Pennsylvania. It has become abundantly clear that communities need to ramp up efforts to control polluted runoff, yet misperception, financial challenges, and political resistance are amongst the many obstacles that clean water advocates struggle to overcome.
"Selling" the value of stormwater best practices in terms that resonate with the actors responsible for policy and practice is crucial for any real change to occur.
StormwaterPA was established in 2007 to fill a growing information gap and to provide the impetus for key stakeholders to put better stormwater programs and practices in place. The program has since evolved into an important source of news, information, discussion, and from-the-field examples of collaborative efforts that are protecting water resources, improving community health, and growing local economies.
The conceptual development of StormwaterPA was guided by a Core Advisory Team comprised of members of Cahill Associates, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Clean Water Action, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, and North Coventry Township. We are deeply indebted to these visionaries; to our ever-expanding cohort of partners; and to the many individuals and organizations who continue to provide input, offer support, and share their valuable expertise.
StormwaterPA is an initiative of GreenTreks Network, Inc., a Philadelphia-based non-profit communications organization whose mission is moving people towards a more sustainable world.
Our Supporters
None of our work to date would have been possible without the support of the dedicated group of funders who have contributed grants to the effort over the years. We are eternally grateful for their vision and commitment to improving our region’s environment and health.
In these uncertain times of shrinking budgets and greater needs, we have few guarantees that foundation support will continue.
We're going to be relying more and more on donations from those who value our contribution to the community. We're going to rely upon those who use our resources. We’re going to rely upon people like YOU.
Why not make a donation today.