Truly effective stormwater control takes a systems approach, using a combination of preventive and management techniques that work together to minimize impact.
National Perspective
EPA's NPDES Phase II Rule requires those undertaking land-disturbing construction activities, operators of industrial facilities, and operators of small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) to protect water resources.
MS4 permits call for the development and implementation of a stormwater management program that addresses six “minimum control measures” (MCMs). Implementing these minimum control measures, in turn, typically means applying one or more best management practices (BMPs). Because of site-specific, local, and regional variability, the BMPs deemed most appropriate for one community may be vastly different for another community within the same watershed, let alone in a different part of the state—or a different part of the country!
EPA offers a variety of resources outlining the six MCM requirements, goals of each, and suggested BMPs that can help achieve results.
MCM 1: Public education and outreach
Fact sheet
Additional Resources for MCM 1
MCM 2: Public involvement and participation
Fact sheet
Additional Resources for MCM 2
MCM 3: Illicit discharge detection and elimination
Fact sheet
Additional Resources for MCM 3
MCM 4: Construction site runoff control
Fact sheet
Additional Resources for MCM 4
MCM 5: Post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment
Fact sheet
Additional Resources for MCM 5
MCM 6: Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations and maintenance
Fact sheet
Additional Resources for MCM 6
U.S. EPA BMP Database
EPA has also created a National Menu of BMPs that identifies potential BMPs for each Minimum Control Measure.
You can access it by following this link >>