6.8.2 Special detention areas
6.8.2 Special detention areas
Areas such as parking lots and rooftops that are primarily intended for other uses but that can be designed to temporarily detain stormwater for peak rate mitigation.
Structural BMPs
- Volume/Peak Rate Reduction by Infiltration BMPs
- 6.4.1 Pervious pavement with infiltration bed
- 6.4.2 Infiltration Basin
- 6.4.3 Subsurface Infiltration bed
- 6.4.4 Infiltration trench
- 6.4.5 Rain Garden/bioretention
- 6.4.6 Dry well/seepage pit
- 6.4.7 Constructed filter
- 6.4.8 Vegetated swale
- 6.4.9 Vegetated Filter strip
- 6.4.10 Infiltration berm & retentive grading
- Volume Peak Rate Reduction BMPs
- Runoff Quality/Peak Rate BMPs
- Restoration BMPs
- Other BMPs and related Structural Measures