6.7.2 Landscape restoration
Landscape Restoration is the general term used for actively sustainable landscaping practices that are implemented outside of riparian (or other specially protected) buffer areas. Landscape Restoration includes the restoration of forest (i.e. reforestation) and/or meadow and the conversion of turf to meadow. In a truly sustainable site design process, this BMP should be considered only after the areas of development that require landscaping and/or revegetation are minimized. The remaining areas that do require landscaping and/or revegetation should be driven by the selection and use of vegetation (i.e., native species) that does not require significant chemical maintenance by fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.
Structural BMPs
- Volume/Peak Rate Reduction by Infiltration BMPs
- 6.4.1 Pervious pavement with infiltration bed
- 6.4.2 Infiltration Basin
- 6.4.3 Subsurface Infiltration bed
- 6.4.4 Infiltration trench
- 6.4.5 Rain Garden/bioretention
- 6.4.6 Dry well/seepage pit
- 6.4.7 Constructed filter
- 6.4.8 Vegetated swale
- 6.4.9 Vegetated Filter strip
- 6.4.10 Infiltration berm & retentive grading
- Volume Peak Rate Reduction BMPs
- Runoff Quality/Peak Rate BMPs
- Restoration BMPs
- Other BMPs and related Structural Measures