Tookany Creek Main Stem
The main stem of the Tookany Creek is the longest reach in the watershed comprising over 11 miles. The first mile of the creek has remnants of the once prominent grist mill industry. The land surrounding the main stem consists of cemeteries, universities, greenhouses and residences.
While parks of the main stem have been protected (such as the 2 ½ mile reach that flows through High School Park), much of the stream has been affected by development. Among the problems are leaky sanitary sewer lines, invasive species and heavily eroded banks.
Stormwater Runoff / Non-Point Source Pollution
One of the most difficult areas of watershed management is control of non-point source pollution runoff from surfaces after it is washed from its source and transported downstream in stormwater runoff. Some of the indirect sources of pollution in the Tookany Creek watershed are the numerous gas stations, auto repair and body shops, industries, residential yards, driveways, parking lots, winter road salts and other sites of everyday human activity. Suburban residential gardens and lawns use consumer and commercial products that can introduce harmful materials into the Tookany Creek and its tributaries.
Watershed Facts
Unique Fact
Grist Mills once lined the main stem of the Tookany Creek, harnessing the streams power to turn grain into flour. Mills were one of the first ways industry began to affect the streams.
Did you know...
The Tookany Creek Main Stem is a part of the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed, which eventually flows into the Delaware River.