Cedar Run | How Healthy is Cedar Run?
Cedar Run is impaired. By working to eliminate pollutants from runoff from storms, you can help to protect this waterway.
Cedar Run and Dogwood Run are the most impaired tributaries of the Yellow Breeches Creek, according to the Yellow Breeches Watershed Assessment done in 2005. The creek is listed on DEP’s 303 (d) list as having impairments to recreational uses and aquatic life. Siltation, nutrients and pathogens are the major pollutants listed as causing the impairment. Those pollutants are coming from urban and rural sources of stormwater run-off and agriculture. Pathogens most likely are coming from some older, leaking sewer systems.
Municipalities in the Cedar Run Watershed:
Cedar Run runs through seven municipalities, all of which are permitted to discharge stormwater to the creek. This includes Lower Allen Township, Hampden Township, Upper Allen Township, a tiny portion of East Pennsboro Township, Mechanicsburg Borough, and Camp Hill Borough.
Watershed Facts
Drinking Water Info
The only Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permitted drinking water intake on Cedar Run is for the State Correctional Facility at Camp Hill which serves 4,658 individuals. The only Waste Water Treatment Plant on Cedar Run is that of the State Correctional Facility that discharges industrial waste.