BMP Manual - Chapter 3

SUMMARY: This Chapter provides guidance for municipalities striving to improve their stormwater management programs. It presents stormwater management principles and recommends site control guidelines to address volume, water quality and flow rate. These guidelines can serve as the basis for municipal stormwater regulation. Pennsylvania laws and regulations do not directly manage stormwater at the state level, although some state level management occurs through the Stormwater Management Act and the NPDES permitting program. All municipalities, regardless of their specific setting, are encouraged to enact the most comprehensive stormwater management ordinances possible. They should also work with their watershed neighbors to integrate their individual municipal actions within the watershed as a whole

BMP Manual Chapters
- BMP Manual - Introduction
- BMP Manual - Chapter 1
- BMP Manual - Chapter 2
- BMP Manual - Chapter 3
- BMP Manual - Chapter 4
- BMP Manual - Chapter 5
- BMP Manual - Chapter 6
- BMP Manual - Chapter 7
- BMP Manual - Chapter 8
- BMP Manual - Chapter 9
- BMP Manual - Appendix A
- BMP Manual - Appendix B
- BMP Manual - Appendix C
- BMP Manual - Appendix D
- BMP Manual - Glossary