Research has shown that preventing damage from stormwater runoff is far less expensive than remeditation and repair, so doesn't it makes sense to plan ahead instead of making stormwater an afterthought?
- Planning |
- Site Design |
Site Design
Rather than incorporate stormwater management into a site after development occurs, the recommended Site Planning and Design Procedure found in the PA DEP Stormwater BMP Manual addresses site development in the context of a municipality’s zoning, stormwater ordinance, subdivision and land development ordinance, and other local requirements—and encourages developers to consider stormwater an integral part of any development concept right from the start.
The Procedure calls for a planning approach, whose broad goals include protecting water quality, enhancing water availability, and reducing flooding; it begins with an assessment of the site and its natural systems within the context of its watershed and proceeds through multiple feedback loops to arrive at a comprehensive stormwater management plan.
Members of the Brandywine Conservancy Environmental Management Center’s team of water and landscape specialists contributed to the DEP Manual and have continued to evolve its thinking ever since its release. StormwaterPA has partnered with the Conservancy to create a guided tour through the land development process—from initial planning to final design.
You can view the interactive online by clicking the Start Demo link on the right.
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Take an Interactive Tour
The Site Design Procedure for Better Stormwater Management offers a multimedia look at the steps a developer should take to understand a site’s natural features and create a plan that fits. It also highlights the municipal role and guides a municipality in legislating good environmental design.
Features include:
- Narrated tour with summaries, video segments, in-depth details
- Step-by-step checklist delineating key tasks
- Flowchart offering schematic start-to-finish view
- Municipal role highlighted throughout
- Model Ordinance (updated by the Conservancy, 2010)
- Supporting documents, including relevant portions of PA BMP Manual