Resources for Residents
What is Stormwater -- and Why Should You Care? Stormwater is the precipitation that runs off the land and fills our streets, sewers, and waterways during heavy rains. When not "managed" effectively, this rainwater runoff can cause of flooding--and can carry all kinds of pollutants directly into our creeks, lakes, rivers, and streams.
We turn the faucet and it’s always there. CLEAN, SAFE AND ABUNDANT. Water, the essence of life. We use it every day, but we rarely think about the fact that it's been through a complex journey and many changes before it gets to our home:
Believe it or not, WE ALL PLAY A ROLE in water quality because we can make conscious decisions about what we do on the land:
There's a new movement afoot to prevent the problems caused by runoff using a "greening" approach. Rain gardens, green roofs, and naturalized landscapes are just a few of the methods that turn stormwater from nuisance into resource:
Check out some of the other videos we've highlighted at the right and peruse the resources below for more information on how effective stormwater management protects our environment and economy, improves quality of life, and even creates more breathable air. Find out what's happening in your watershed and take action.
Every individual CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE when they become part of the movement and become personally engaged and involved!
Video Resources