Letort Run
Do you live in the Letort Run Watershed? Learn about your local watershed, your community's water protection efforts, and WHAT YOU CAN DO to protect your local creeks, rivers, and streams...
Letort Spring Run is a 9.4-mile-long tributary of Conodoguinet Creek that is famous for its wild brown trout fishing. Its origin is south of Carlisle Borough in South Middletown Township and the Bonnybrook area. It flows through downtown Carlisle and is on display at the borough’s 12-acre Letort Park where it is contained within stone walls. The section of creek between Pennsylvania Route 34 and it’s outlet at the Conodoguinet Creek is a designated Pennsylvania Scenic River.
The Letort is a limestone spring-fed creek and is designated by the PA DEP as a High Quality Coldwater Fishery in the upper basin and an Exceptional Value Water for 3.6 miles of the middle basin. The Fish & Boat Commission designates it as a Class A Brown Trout stream.
Municipalities in the Letort Run Watershed:
The Letort is completely contained within Carlisle Borough.
Chesapeake Connection
Letort Run
drains into the
Conodoguinet Creek
which drains into the
Susquehanna River
which drains into the
Chesapeake Bay