Letort Run | How Healthy is Letort Run?
You may be able to tell by its scenery and great fishing that the Letort Run is an Exceptional-Value Stream. Nevertheless, it still faces problems with pollution and alteration of important wildlife habitats.
No drinking water is drawn from this stream nor is it wide enough for water sports. The main value of the Letort is its fishing and its beauty. The short stretch is bordered by a nature trail that is being expanded as of 2012. It is afforded high standards as an exceptional-value (EV) stream and a scenic river. However, it suffers from urban stormwater pollution and habitat alteration for about one mile as it flows through Carlisle and part of North Middlesex Township near the heavily -traveled State Route 11.
A Dickinson College professor, Candy Wilderman, analyzed water, sediment and brown trout and white sucker flesh samples in a 1993 study on Carlisle’s stormwater pollution. Results showed that metal concentrations were elevated in then Letort spring from stormwater pipes that flow directly into the creek from the borough and from Middlesex township truck stops east of Carlisle.
Municipalities in the Letort Run Watershed:
The Letort is completely contained within Carlisle Borough.
Unique Feature
The Letort is internationally known for its well-educated brown trout. According to fly fishers everywhere, this naturally reproducing population has seen and evaded every kind of fly thrown to them and makes fly fishing more a sport than some fishers want. You either love fishing there or hate it.
Drinking Water
No drinking water is drawn from this stream.