Structural BMPs
Many so-called Structural BMPs are actually based on natural systems and rely upon vegetation and soil mechanisms in order to perform as intended. Others are considered more conventional “brick and mortar” techniques. The use of these mitigative techniques is not meant to replace the use of non-structural BMPs, but rather to work in tandem with these planning and design-based approaches to minimize unavoidable impacts.
The decision about which structural BMPs are most appropriate comes not as a post-construction fix, but rather as a result of the Site Design Procedure For Comprehensive Stormwater Management. More information about the process can be found in the Planning and Site Design sections of this site.
The PA DEP Stormwater BMP Manual contains details on some 21 Structural BMPs, several of which offer variations on a central theme. Like the Non-Structural BMPs presented in the Manual, the list of Structural BMPs is expected to grow as stormwater management practices continue to evolve and mature.
Structural BMPs
- Volume/Peak Rate Reduction by Infiltration BMPs
- 6.4.1 Pervious pavement with infiltration bed
- 6.4.2 Infiltration Basin
- 6.4.3 Subsurface Infiltration bed
- 6.4.4 Infiltration trench
- 6.4.5 Rain Garden/bioretention
- 6.4.6 Dry well/seepage pit
- 6.4.7 Constructed filter
- 6.4.8 Vegetated swale
- 6.4.9 Vegetated Filter strip
- 6.4.10 Infiltration berm & retentive grading
- Volume Peak Rate Reduction BMPs
- Runoff Quality/Peak Rate BMPs
- Restoration BMPs
- Other BMPs and related Structural Measures