Cedar Run Watershed
Do you live in the Cedar Run Watershed? Learn about your local watershed, your community's water protection efforts, and WHAT YOU CAN DO to protect your local creeks, rivers, and streams...
Cedar Run Creek is part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed by being a tributary of the Yellow Breeches Creek . The Yellow Breeches, in turn, is a tributary to the Susquehanna River—which contributes more than 50 percent of fresh water to the Chesapeake Bay.
Get the Full Story: Saving Streams in the Cedar Run Watershed
Cedar Run Creek is a small suburban creek that maintains a naturally reproducing trout population in some pockets. The main stem of the creek runs about four miles through large residential developments, industrial and commercial centers including trucking centers, warehouses and the Camp Hill and Capital City Malls. Woven between the expanses of paved parking lots and manicured lawns are narrow strips of riparian green and small pocket parks—there Cedar Run and its three tributaries flow. In other areas it has been altered into a straitened channel and routed underground to emerge further downstream.
Cumberland County municipalities in the Cedar Run Watershed:
Cedar Run runs through seven municipalities, all of which are permitted to discharge stormwater to the creek. This includes Lower Allen Township, Hampden Township, Upper Allen Township, a tiny portion of East Pennsboro Township, Mechanicsburg Borough, and Camp Hill Borough.
Chesapeake Connection
Cedar Run
drains into the
Yellow Breeches Creek
which drains into the
Susquehanna River
which drains into the
Chesapeake Bay