StormwaterPA's video case studies provide an in-depth look at some of the innovative solutions being applied to stormwater management challenges all over the state.
Green Homes 7:15
To control runoff into nearby Cobbs Creek, a West Philadelphia neighborhood gets a green m...
Rain Barrels: Preventing Water Pollution Starts at Home 7:49
Easy-to-install rain barrels don't only provide free water for non-drinking use; They also...
Green Schools: Albert Greenfield Elementary 9:06
Greenfield Elementary School in Philadelphia transforms into a vibrant green space and ser...
Keeping Water On Site: Waterview Recreation Center 5:00
The Waterview Recreation Center in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia uses green ...
Capturing Rainwater is Good Business Practice 7:15
The PA Farm Show Complex and Expo Center in Harrisburg, PA, had over 100 acres of non-perm...