This is the clearinghouse for the latest news and opinion on stormwater management in the state of Pennsylvania. This site serves as a supplement to our flagship Online Resource Center, -- a must visit site loaded with information on Stormwater Best Management Practices, Case Studies, Regulations, Technical Details, and more.

August is #SummerStormwater Month

Summer is the rainiest of seasons here in Pennsylvania. So it’s a sensible time to be thinking about how to manage all that rain! Here at, August is our #SummerStormwater month. Each week in August, we are going to focus on sending out information, videos, & tools to celebrate different approaches to protecting our water on our Facebook, Twitter, and Blog. Get involved by sharing your ideas during each theme week. Just use the hashtag #summerstormwater!

This week, August 4-10: Reuse Rain Water Week

Rain water is a resource! Find out how to make the most of it throughout this week. I’ll be posting tips & videos on how you can reuse rain water to reduce runoff.  Follow our Twitter & Facebook to get all the info troughout the week!

To kick off this week, here's our video about how one business has been able to capture and reuse the rain water that lands on its roof and parking lot. The PA Farm Show Complex is able to reuse the water to clean its building!

August 11- 17: Go Natural Week

Go Natural
Penn’s Woods want to be wild! Letting nature do its thing helps overall watershed quality. Get ready for tales of native plants taking over formerly-grassy lawns & heavily-eroded streambanks. The natural transformations are impressive!

August 18-24: Neighborhood Involvement Week

Neighborhood Involvement
You can’t expect to make your area more water-friendly without getting your friends and neighbors around you to join in on the efforts. I’ll showcase success stories about what some local neighborhoods accomplished. Plus, I’ll be sharing opportunities to spread the #summerstormwater word to your community!

August 25-31: Green & Blue Schools Week

Green & Blue Schools

Students, teachers, and schools throughout the state are taking vital steps towards preventing water pollution. We’ll celebrate the progress of these schools and highlight innovative water-education materials from GreenTreks Network’s other main program,

Comments (1)

  1. Paul Klein:
    Aug 19, 2013 at 12:04 PM

    The City of Reno is supporting August and storm water month with the recent launch of a public art campaign to draw awareness to the dangers of pollutants in our storms drains and Truckee River. A local artist, Bryce Chisholm, was commissioned to paint characters on two downtown storm drains. The campaign perpetuates storm drains as the mouth of the river. As in, we wouldn't put radiator fluid, oil, or glass in our mouths, so we shouldn't put them in the river’s mouth. The campaign has been cataloged with the following video link, check it out

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